Call for Bids 2008

Environmental Assessments

The CNSOPB is a federal authority under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). Under the CEAA, offshore exploration activities, including exploratory drilling and seismic programs,  require an environmental assessment  (EA)  prior to their authorization. Exploration projects require a screening level of assessment for which the CNSOPB, as  the  responsible authority and in consultation with other federal government departments, will make an EA decision in accordance with the CEAA. Offshore production projects, however, require completion of a more detailed assessment in the form of a comprehensive study or panel review.

Parcel 1 is within the study area of the Sable Offshore Energy Project Environmental Impact Statement and the study area of the Deep Panuke Offshore Gas Development Project Comprehensive Study Report.

The Sable Offshore Energy Project Environmental Impact Statement is available in CD format from the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board. To obtain a copy, please call (902) 422-5588.