Call for Bids 2008

GIS Information

This page provides shapefiles and text files relevant to the Call for Bids NS11-1 package for use in GIS mapping packages.

The shapefiles available are:

  • Call for Bids NS11-1
  • Existing licences as of June 23, 2011
  • Well location information (surface coordinates only)
  • Geophysical program line locations (2D) or outlines (3D)
  • Approximate bathymetry
  • Offshore pipeline routes
  • National and International Boundaries
  • Marine Protected Areas

*Please note that the seismic GIS files are projected into UTM zone 20N, using the NAD27 datum. To properly transform into NAD83, use the NTv2 datum transformation, available by request at this link: A  GIS application or viewer is required to open the shapefiles.

General Shape files
Seismic Program Shapefiles

Other geophysical program information is available from the GSC-Atlantic’s BASIN database.