Call for Bids 2008

Western Scotian Margin

Introduction and scope

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pdf Proximal to distal postrift structural provinces on the western Scotian Margin, offshore Eastern Canada: Geological context and parcel prospectivity for Call-for-Bids NS11-1, Mark E. Deptuck

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This report is a product of an ongoing long-term CNSOPB initiative aimed at improving the general understanding of the structural and stratigraphic evolution of the Scotian Margin using available 2D and 3D reflection seismic data-sets tied to wells. The report is intended to provide the reader with a higher fidelity view of the western half of the margin than is available in the Regional Geology section on the CNSOPB Call-for-Bids packages. Improved seismic imaging, afforded by the comparatively smaller size of allochthonous salt bodies, the general absence of salt overhangs over wide areas, limited seafloor canyon incisions, and the generally thinner postrift stratigraphic interval, makes the western Scotian Margin a more attractive area to study deep-seated structural elements than areas to the east. These structural elements record the synrift to postrift evolution of the margin. The reader is also directed to Wade and MacLean (1990) and the references therein for an excellent account of the broad scale stratigraphic and structural evolution of the Scotian Margin and to the OETR Association (2011) that provides a more granular view of the margins evolution and key hydrocarbon elements.

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