3.4.1. Petrophysical Interpretation

St Paul P-91 - Petrophysical Interpretation

The Petro-Canada St. Paul P-91 well was drilled 100 km NW of Sydney, Nova Scotia.  Similar to other exploration wells in the Sydney Basin, this well was drilled to evaluate potential reservoir and hydrocarbon accumulations in the Windsor and Horton Formations.  Drilling operations on this well were hampered due to steeply dipping formations causing the hole to gain inclination, and harder than anticipated rock causing abnormally slow rates of penetration and frequent bit trips.

Hole conditions throughout the well were fair and did not impact the overall quality of the porosity curves, except for one zone within the Woodbine Road Formation.  The interval from ~2220 mMD - ~2310 mMD suffered extreme washout due to salt dissolution during the drilling process.  Porosity curves through this section are unreliable.  High porosity values calculated through this zone do not reflect the actual rock properties; calculated pay flags throughout the Woodbine Road are not true pay.

There was no significant reservoir development or hydrocarbon accumulations in the well.

Saint Paul P-91 Reservoir Evaluation Summary
Zones (Fm.) Top
Flag Name Net
Vsh Avg
PhiE Avg
Sw Avg
Point Edward 610.0 992.1 382.1 PAY 0.0       Tight
Cape Dauphin 992.1 1257.0 264.9 PAY 0.0       Tight
Woodbine Road 1257.0 2614.5 1357.5 PAY 0.0 0.08 0.31 N/A Salt dissolution - poor hole
Meadows Road 2614.5 2878.0 263.5 PAY 0.0       Tight