Environmental Assessments
Environmental assessment is a process to predict environmental effects of proposed physical activities before they are carried out. Environmental assessments identify potential adverse environmental effects, propose measures to mitigate adverse environmental effects, predict whether there will be significant adverse environmental effects after mitigation measures are implemented, and include a follow-up program to verify the accuracy of the environmental assessment and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.
Environmental Assessments in the Nova Scotia offshore area are governed by the Federal/provincial Accord Acts and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA 2012). Part III of the Accord Acts promotes environmental protection. Accord Act EA processes apply to exploration programs. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA 2012) applies to “Designated Projects” as defined by CEAA 2012, namely development programs and some decommissioning programs.
A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for exploration activities has recently been completed, which encompasses the parcels. The SEA can be used by operators to assist in their preparation of project specific environmental assessments.