NS11-1 Parcel Prospectivity
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Figure 20
a) Turtle structure in the ASM province (Parcel 3); b) Unique late turtle structure (yellow) perched above a minibasin (Parcel 4); c) Inverted minibasin near the transition of the SD and ASM provinces (Parcel 1) formed as shortening accommodated up-slope gravity gliding.
Figure 21
a) Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous time-thickness map showing prominent canyon erosion and resulting thin strata in the proximal SD province, with a significant expansion of strata within the minibasins in the distal SD province and into the ASM province. The steep, out-of-grade slope of the SD province prompted slope bypass through much of the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous, with a significantly expanded succession preserved within higher accommodation minibasins down-slope. This observation has important implications for the presence and style of potential deepwater reservoirs in the SD versus ASM provinces; b) Seismic profile line drawing from the outer part of the LaHave Platform seaward of Mohawk B-93, showing two intervals of progradation (interpreted forced regressions) that probably delivered sand to the Jurassic slope.