
Selected References on Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry for the Scotian Basin, Scotian Slope and Adjacent Areas, Eastern Canada

Adams, P.J., 1986
A depositional and diagenetic model for a carbonate ramp: Iroquois Formation, (Early Jurassic), Scotian Shelf, Canada.
M.Sc. Thesis, Dalhousie University, 150p.

Albertz, M., Beaumont, C., Shimeld, J.W., Ings, S.J. and Gradmann, S., 2010
An investigation of salt tectonic structural styles in the Scotian Basin, offshore Atlantic Canada: Part 1, Comparison of observations with geometrically simple numerical models.
Tectonics, vol.29, TC4017, 29p. doi:10.1029/2009TC002539

Albertz, M. and Beaumont, C., 2010
An investigation of salt tectonic structural styles in the Scotian Basin, offshore Atlantic Canada: Part 2, Comparison of observations with geometrically complex numerical models.
Tectonics, vol.29, CT4017, 16p. doi:10.1029/2009TC002540.

Atlantic Geoscience Centre, 1991
East Coast Basin Atlas Series: Scotian Shelf.
Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada, 152p.

Balkwill, H.R. and Legall, F.D., 1989
Whale Basin, Offshore Newfoundland: Extension and Salt Diapirism.
In: A. J. Tankard and J. R. Balkwill (Eds.), Extensional Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the North Atlantic Margins. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 46, p.233-246.

Barss, J.S., Bujak, J.P., Wade, J.A. and Williams, G.L., 1980
Age, stratigraphy, organic matter type and color, and hydrocarbon occurrences in forty-seven wells offshore eastern Canada.
Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report No.714, 6p.

Bell, J.S. and Campbell, G.R., 1990
Chapter 12- Petroleum Resources.
In: M. J. Keen and G.L. Williams (Eds.), Geology of Canada No.2 - Geology of the continental margin of eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, p.190-238 (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, Vol.I-1).

Bell, J.S. and Howie, R.D., 1990
Chapter 4 – Paleozoic Geology.
In: M. J. Keen and G.L. Williams (Eds.), Geology of Canada No.2 - Geology of the continental margin of eastern Canada.  Geological Survey of Canada, p.141-165 (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, Vol.I-1).

Bibby, C. and Lake, P., 2000
Conventional Core Analysis Database for the Scotian Shelf and Slope, Eastern Canada.
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report No.3940, CD-ROM.

Bibby, C. and Shimeld, J., 2000
Compilation of Reservoir Data for Sandstones of the Devonian-Permian Maritimes Basin, Eastern Canada.
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report No.3895, CD-ROM.

Bowman, S.J., Pe-Piper, G., Piper, D.J.W., Fensome, R.A. and King, E.L., 2012.
Early Cretaceous volcanism in the Scotian Basin.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 49, no.12, p.1523-1539.

Brown, D.E., Dehler, S.A., Louden, K. and Yue, W., 2007
The Early Jurassic Heracles Sequence, Scotian Basin, Canada:  Recognition of latest stage synrift tectonism and correspondence to structures offshore Morocco
Abstract, 1st Moroccan Association of Petroleum Geologists International Convention, Conference & Exhibition, Marrakech, October 28-31, 2007, Abstract Book, p.17-18.

Bujak, J.P., Barss, M.S. and Williams, G.L., 1977
Offshore eastern Canada - Part I and II:  Organic type, color and hydrocarbon potential.
Oil & Gas Journal, vol.75, no.15, p.96-100 & p.198-202.

Campbell, D.C., 2011
The Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic geological history of the outer continental margin off Nova Scotia, Canada: Insights into margin evolution from a mature passive margin.
PhD Dissertation, Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Campbell, D.C. and Deptuck, M.E., 2012
Alternating bottom current dominated and gravity flow dominated deposition in a lower slope and rise setting – insights from the seismic geomorphology of the  western Scotian margin, Eastern Canada
Society of Economic Paleontologists & Mineralogists, Special Publication 99, p.329-346.

Campbell, D.C. and Mosher, D.C., 2010
Middle to Late Miocene slope failure and the generation of a regional unconformity beneath the western Scotian Slope, Eastern Canada.
In: D.C. Mosher et al. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Advances in Natural and Technical Hazards Research, vol.28, p.645-655.

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, 2012
Call for Bids NS12-1 Information Package.

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, 2011
Call for Bids NS11-1 Information Package.

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, 2008
Call for Bids NS08-2 Information Package.

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, 2000
Technical Summaries of Scotian Shelf Significant and Commercial Discoveries.
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Halifax, 257p.

Canadian Gas Potential Committee, 2005
Natural Gas Potential in Canada in 2005 – Frontier Basins of Canada (Volume 3).
Canadian Gas Potential Committee, Calgary, 120p.

Canadian Gas Potential Committee, 2001
Natural Gas Potential in Canada - 2001.
Canadian Gas Potential Committee, Calgary, 527p.

Canadian Gas Potential Committee, 1997
Natural Gas Potential in Canada - 1997.
Canadian Gas Potential Committee, Calgary, 113p.

Carswell, A.B., Koning, T. and Hibbs, D.C., 1990
Structural and stratigraphic evolution of the East Georges Bank Basin, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada.
Text, references and figures of paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Francisco, California, 32p.

Cassou, A.M., Connan, J. and Borthault, B., 1977
Relationships between maturation of organic matter and geothermal effect, as exemplified in Canadian East Coast Offshore wells. 
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.25, no.1, p.174-194. 

Corbett, N., Uswak, G. and Skrypnek, T., 2007
Integrated Reservoir Characterization, Deep Panuke Gas Pool, Offshore Nova Scotia
In: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Conference CD-ROM disc: Abstracts of Technical Talks, Posters and Core Displays, Paper No.18250131.

Cummings, D.C. and Arnott, R.W.C., 2005
Growth-faulted shelf-margin deltas: a new (but old) play type, offshore Nova Scotia. 
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.53, no.3, p.211-236.

Cummings, D.C., Hart, B.S. and Arnott, R.W.C., 2006
Sedimentology and stratigraphy of a thick, areally extensive fluvial-marine transition, Missisauga Formation, offshore Nova Scotia and its correlation with shelf margin and slope strata. 
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.54, no.2, p.152-174.

Dehler, S.A., 2012.
Initial rifting and breakup between Nova Scotia and Morocco: insight from new magnetic models.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 49, no.12, p.1395-1415.

Dehler, S.A. and Roest, W.R., 1998
Gravity Anomaly Map, Atlantic Canada Region, Canada. 
Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report No.3658, 1:3,000,000 scale.

Deptuck, M.E. and Campbell, D.C., 2012
Widespread erosion and mass failure from the ~51 Ma Montagnais marine bolide impact off southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 49, no.12, p.1567-1594.

Deptuck, M.E., 2011a
Proximal to distal postrift structural provinces on the western Scotian Margin, offshore Eastern Canada: Geological context and parcel prospectivity for Call-for-Bids NS11-1.
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Geoscience Open File Report (GOFR) 2011-001MF, 42p.

Deptuck, M.E., 2011b
Potential shelf sources for deepwater reservoirs along the southwestern Scotian margin, and the impact of a hybrid ‘bypass-ponded’ slope on reservoir distribution.
Seminar delivered at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Conference & Exhibition, Milan, Italy.  Available at

Deptuck, M.E., 2010
The ‘slope detachment zone’ on the western Scotian Slope, offshore Nova Scotia: structural style, timing and implications for margin evolution.
Central and North Atlantic Conjugate Margins, Lisbon 2010, Metedo Directo, vol.IV, p.87-95, ISBN: 978-989-96923-1-2

Deptuck, M.E., Kendell, K., and Smith, B., 2009
Complex deepwater fold-belts in the SW Sable Subbasin, offshore Nova Scotia.
CSPG Annual Convention, Extended Abstract, 4p.

Deptuck, M.E., MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J.W., Williams, G., and Fensome, R., 2003
Revised Upper Cretaceous and lower Paleogene lithostratigraphy and depositional history of the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland, Canada.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol.87, no.9, p.1459-1483.

Deptuck, M.E. 2003
Post-rift geology of the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, with a focus on early
Paleogene submarine fans and insights from modern deep-water systems.
PhD Dissertation, Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 369p.

Deptuck, M.E., 2000
The Mara turbidite system in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin:  Architecture, evolution, and modern analogues. 
GeoCanada 2000 Convention, Calgary, Alberta: Program with Extended Abstracts (CD-ROM), Abstract #679, 4p.

Durcanin, M.A., 2009.
Influence of Synrift Salt on Rift-Basin Development: Application to the Orpheus Basin, Offshore Eastern Canada.
M.Sc. Thesis, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 142p. (Also available from the CNSOPB Geoscience Research Centre)

Durling, P. and Harvey, P J., 1996
Results of seismic mapping in the St. Georges Bay area: implications for stratigraphy, structure, salt tectonism and petroleum potential.
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report No.3319.

Durling, P., Harvey, P.J. and Howells, K., 1996
The near-surface geology of St. Georges Bay, Nova Scotia: implications for the Hollow Fault.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.32, no.4, p.603-613.

Durling, P., Harvey, P.J. and Howells, K., 1995
Geophysical evidence for thrust faulting in the Carboniferous Antigonish-Mabou Subbasin, Nova Scotia.
Atlantic Geology, vol.31, p.183-196.

Drummond, K. J., 1990
Geology of Venture, a Geopressured Gas Field, Offshore Nova Scotia.
In: M.T. Halbouty (Ed.), Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade 1978-1988. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 54, p.55-71.

Ebinger C.A. and Tucholke, B.E., 1988
Marine Geology of the Sohm Basin, Canadian Atlantic Margin.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol.72, no.12, p.1450-1468.

Edson, G.M., Olson, D.L. and Petty, A.J., 2000
Georges Bank Petroleum Exploration.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, Office of Resource Evaluation, OCS Report MMS 2000-031, 20p.

Eliuk, L.S., 1978
The Abenaki Formation, Nova Scotia Shelf, Canada - A depositional and diagenetic model for a Mesozoic carbonate platform.
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.26, no.4, p.424-514.

Eliuk, L.S.  2004
History of the practical application of a failed? dolomite model (mixing zone) to the
“Demascota Dolomite Beds” of the Abenaki Formation, Nova Scotia offshore Late Jurassic paleocontinental shelf carbonate margin – Case Study for Core Conference
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists “Dolomite Conference”, January 13-15, 2004, 15p. (on CD-ROM).

Eliuk, L.S. and Levesque, R., 1989
Earliest Cretaceous sponge reef mounds, Nova Scotia Shelf (Shell Demascota G-32).
In: H.H.J. Geldsetzer, N.P. James and G.E. Tebbutt (Eds.), Reefs: Canada and Adjacent Area. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 13, p.713-720.

Eliuk, L.S. and Prather, B.E. 2005
Baltimore Canyon Trough Mesozoic Carbonate Margin Cores, Offshore USA Atlantic. 
Abstract and core conference article. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists & American Association of Petroleum Geologists Conventional Core Conference, Calgary, Alberta 31p. (on CD-ROM).

Ellis, P.M., Crevello, P.D. and Eliuk, L.S., 1985
Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deep-water buildups, Abenaki Formation, Nova Scotian Shelf.
In: P.D. Crevello and P.M. Harris (Eds.), Deep-water Carbonates. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 25, p.249-261.

EnCana Corporation, 2006
Deep Panuke Offshore Gas Development – Development Plan.
Deep Panuke Development Plan Application - Volume 2, 293p.

Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada, 1976
Oil and Natural Gas Resources of Canada.
Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada, Report EP 77-1, 76p.

Falcon-Laing, H.J., Fensome, R.A., Gibling, M.R., Malcolm, J, Fletcher, K.R. and Holleman, M., 2007
Karst-related outliers of the Cretaceous Chaswood Formation of Maritime Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.44, no.7, p.619-642.

Fensome, R.A. and Williams, G.L., 2004
Scotian Margin PalyAtlas: version 1. (CD-ROM)
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report No.4677.

Fensome, R.A, Crux, J.A., Gard, I.G., MacRae, R.A., Williams, G.L., Thomas, F.C., Fiorini, F. and Wach, G.D., 2008
The last 100 million years on the Scotian Margin, offshore eastern Canada: an event-stratigraphic scheme emphasizing biostratigraphic data.
Atlantic Geology, vol.44, p.93-126.

Funck, T., Jackson, H.R., Louden, K., Dehler, S.A. and Wu, Y., 2004
Crustal structure of the northern Nova Scotia rifted continental margin (Eastern Canada).
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.109, no.B9, B09102.

Geological Survey of Canada (various authors), 1991
Biostratigraphy and Maturation Data, East Coast Basin Atlas Series.
Geological Survey of Canada Publications, p.27-50. 

Geological Survey of Canada, 2004
Magnetic Anomaly Map – Atlantic Canada Region.
Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report No.1813, 1:3,000,000 scale

Geological Survey of Canada, 2004
Magnetic Anomaly Map – Scotian Shelf and Surrounds.
Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report No.1814, 1:500,000 scale

Geological Survey of Canada, 2004
Magnetic Anomaly Map – Gulf of St. Lawrence and Surrounds.
Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report No.1815, 1:500,000 scale

Gibling, M.R., Calder, J.H., Ryan, R., van der Poll, H.W. and Yeo, G.M., 1992
Late Carboniferous and Early Permian drainage patterns in Atlantic Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.29, no.2, p.338-352.

Given, M.M., 1977
Mesozoic and early Cenozoic geology of Offshore Nova Scotia.
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.25, no.1, p.63-91.

Gould, K.M., Piper, D.J.W. and Pe-Piper, G., 2012.
Lateral variation in sandstone lithofacies from conventional cores, Scotian Basin: implications for reservoir quality and connectivity.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.49, no.12, p.1478-1503.

Gould, K.M., 2007
Chlorite diagenesis in reservoir sandstones of the lower Missisauga Formation, offshore Nova Scotia.
M.Sc. thesis, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 177p.

Gradstein, F.M., Jansa, L.F., Srivastava, S.P., Williamson, M.A., Bonham-Carter, G., and Stam, B., 1990
Chapter 8 - Aspects of North American paleo-oceanography.
In: M.J. Keen and G.L. Williams (Eds.), The Geology of Canada No.2 - Geology of the continental margin of eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, p.190-238 (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, Vol.I-1).

Grant, A.C. and McAlpine, K.D., 1990
Chapter 6 – The continental margin around Newfoundland. 
In: M.J. Keen and G.L. Williams (Eds.), The Geology of Canada No.2 - Geology of the continental margin of eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, p.239-292 (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, Vol.I-1).

Greenough, J.D., 1995
Chapter 6 – Mesozoic Rocks.
In: H. Williams (Ed.), The Geology of Canada No.6 - Geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen in Canada and Greenland. Geological Survey of Canada, p.567-600 (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, Vol.F-1).

Grist, A.M., Ryan, R.J. and Zentilli, M., 1995
The thermal evolution and timing of hydrocarbon generation in the Maritimes Basin of eastern Canada: evidence from apatite fission track data.
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.43, no.2, p.145-155.

Hacquebard, P.A., 1974
A composite coalification curve of the Maritime region and its value for petroleum exploration.
Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 74-1, Part B, p.21-23.

Hansen, D.M., Shimeld, J.W., Williamson, M.A. and Lykke-Andersen, H., 2004
Development of a major polygonal fault system in Upper Cretaceous chalk and Cenozoic mud-rocks of the Sable Subbasin, Canadian Atlantic Margin
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol.21, no.9, p.1205-1219.

Harvey, P.J., 1993
Porosity identification using amplitude variations with offset in Jurassic carbonate, offshore Nova Scotia.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists “The Leading Edge”, March 1993, vol.12, no.3, p.180-184.

Harvey, P.J., and MacDonald, D.J., 1990
Seismic Modelling of Porosity within the Jurassic Aged Carbonate Bank, Offshore Nova Scotia.
Canadian Journal of Exploration Geophysicists, vol.26, nos.1&2, p.54-71.

Holser, W.T., Clement, G.P., Jansa, L.F. and Wade, J.A., 1988
Evaporite Deposits of the North Atlantic rift.
In: W. Manspeizer (Ed.), Triassic-Jurassic Rifting: Continental Breakup and the Origin of the Atlantic Ocean and Passive Margins (Part B). Elsevier, Amsterdam, p.525-556.

Ings, S.J., and Shimeld, J.W., 2006
A new conceptual model for the structural evolution of a regional salt detachment on the northeast Scotian margin, offshore eastern Canada.
American Association f Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol.90, no.9, p.1407-1423.

Ings, S.J., MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J. and Pe-Piper, G., 2005
Diagenesis and Porosity Reduction in the Late Cretaceous Wyandot Formation, Offshore Nova Scotia: A Comparison with Norwegian North Sea Chalks.
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.53, no.3, p.237-249.

Jansa, L.F., 1993
Early Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms of the Northeastern North American Margin.
In: J.A.T. Simo, R.W. Scott and J.-P. Masse (Eds.), Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 56, p.111-126.

Jansa, L.F., 1986
Paleogeography and evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean basin during the Jurassic.
In: P.R. Vogt and B.E. Tucholke (Eds.), The Geology of North America – Volume M: The Western North Atlantic Region. Geological Society of America, p.603-616.

Jansa, L.F., 1981
Mesozoic carbonate platforms and banks off the eastern North American margin.
Marine Geology, vol.44, p.97-117.

Jansa, L.F. and Nogeura Urrea, V.H.N., 1990
Geology and Diagenetic History of Overpressured Sandstone Reservoirs, Venture Gas Field, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada. 
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol.74, no.10, p.1640-1658. 

Jansa, L.F. and Wade, J.A., 1975
Geology of the continental margin off Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
In: W.J.M. Van Der Linden and J.A. Wade, (Eds.), Offshore Geology of Eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 74-30, vol.2, p.51-105.

Jansa, L.F. and Wade, J.A., 1975
Paleogeography and sedimentation in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, southeastern Canada.
In: C.J. Yorath, E.R. Parker and D.J. Glass (Eds.), Canada’s Offshore Margins and Petroleum Exploration. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 4, p.79-102.

Jansa, L.F. and Wiedmann, J., 1982
Mesozoic-Cenozoic Development of the Eastern North American and Northwest African Continental Margins - A Comparison.
In: U. von Rad, K. Hinz, M. Sarthein and E. Seibold (Eds.), Geology of the Northwest African Continental Margin. Springer Verlag, Berlin, p.215-269.

Jansa, L.F., Bujak, J.P. and Williams, G.L., 1980
Upper Triassic salt deposits of the western North Atlantic. 
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.17, no.5, p.547-559.

Jansa, L.F. Pe-Piper, G., Robertson, P.B. and Freidenreich, O., 1989
Montagnais: A submarine impact structure on the Scotian shelf, eastern Canada. 
Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol.101, p.450-463.

Keen, C.E. and Potter, D.P., 1995a
Formation and evolution of the Nova Scotia Rifted margin: Evidence from deep seismic reflection data. 
Tectonics, vol.14, no.4, p.918-932.

Keen, C.E., and Potter, D.P., 1995b
The transition from a volcanic to nonvolcanic rifted margin off eastern Canada. 
Tectonics, vol.14, no.2, p.359-371.

Keen, C.E., MacLean, B.C. and Kay, W.A., 1991
A deep seismic reflection profile across the Nova Scotia continental margin, offshore eastern Canada.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.28, no.7, p.1112-1120. 

Keen, C.E., Kay, W.A., Keppie, D., Marillier F., Pe-Piper, G. and Waldron, J.W.F., 1991
Deep Seismic Reflection Data from the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine: Tectonic Implications for the Northern Appalachians. 
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.28, no.7, p.1096-1111.

Keighley, D. and Brown, D.E., 2005
Facies Heterogeneity in Lacustrine Basins: The Transtensional Moncton Basin (Mississippian) and Extensonal Fundy Basin (Triassic - Jurassic), New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Field Trip Guidebook FT-A5, Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 98p.

Kendell, K.L., 2012
Variations in salt expulsion style within the Sable Canopy Complex, central Scotian margin.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 49, no.12, p.1504-1522.

Kidston, A.G., Brown, D.E., Smith B.M. and Altheim, B., 2005
The Upper Jurassic Abenaki Formation Offshore Nova Scotia: A Seismic and Geologic Perspective.
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Halifax, 165p.

Kidston, A.G., Brown, D.E., Smith B.M. and Altheim, B., 2002
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Deep-Water Scotian Slope.
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Halifax, 111p.

Kidston, A.G., Smith, B., Brown, D.E., Makrides, C. and Altheim, B., 2007
Nova Scotia Deep Water Offshore Post-Drill Analysis – 1982-2004.
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 181p.  

Klemme, H.D., 1994
Petroleum Systems of the World Involving Upper Jurassic Source Rocks.
In:  L.B. Magoon, and W.G. Dow (Eds.), The Petroleum System – From Source to Trap. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 60, p.51-72.

Leleu, S. and Hartley, A.J., 2010.
Controls on the stratigraphic development of the Triassic Fundy Basin, Nova Scotia: implications for the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Triassic Atlantic rift basins.
Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol.167, p.437-454.

Li, G., Pe-Piper, G. and Piper, D.J.W., 2012
The provenance of Middle Jurassic sandstones in the Scotian Basin: petrographic evidence of passive margin tectonics.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 49, no.12, p.1463-1477.

Li, G., Ravenhurst, C.E. and Zentilli, M., 1995
Implications of apatite fission track analysis for the thermal history of the Scotian Basin, offshore Nova Scotia, Canada.
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.43, no.2, p.127-144.

Louden, K., 2002
Tectonic Evolution of the East Coast of Canada.
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists “Recorder”, vol.27, no.2, p.37-48.

Luheshi, M., Roberts, D.G., Nunn, K., Makris, J., Colletta, B., Wilson, H., Monnier, F., Rabary, G. and Dubille, M., 2012
The impact of conjugate margins analysis on play fairway evaluation – an analysis of the hydrocarbon potential of Nova Scotia.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists “First Break”, vol.30 (January), p.61-72.

Lucas, S.G. and Tanner, L.H., 2007.
The nonmarine Triassic-Jurassic boundary of the Newark Supergroup of eastern North America.
Earth Science Reviews, vol.84, p.1-20.

Lyngberg, E., 1984
The Orpheus graben, offshore Nova Scotia:  Palynology, organic chemistry, maturation and time-temperature history. 
M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 159p.

MacLean, B.C., and Wade, J.A., 1993
Seismic Markers and Stratigraphic Picks in the Scotian Basin Wells.
East Coast Basin Atlas Series, Geological Survey of Canada, 276p.

MacLean, B.C. and Wade, J.A., 1992
Petroleum geology of the continental margin south of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, Offshore Eastern Canada.
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol.40, no.3, p.222-253.

MacRae, R.A., Shimeld, J.W. and Wielens, J.B.W., 2002
Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of Upper Cretaceous limestone units, offshore Nova Scotia. 
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report No.4023 (1 sheet poster montage).

McAlpine, K.D., Deptuck, M.E., Wielens, J.B.W., Jauer, C.D., and Moir, P.N. 2004a  Lithostratigraphy I, Jeanne d’Arc Basin Cross Sections A-A’ and B-B’
In: P.N. Moir, K.D. McAlpine, A. Edwards, M.E. Deptuck, J.S. Bell, J.B.W. Wielens, J.A. Wade, and C.D. Jauer, East Coast Basin Atlas Series: Grand Banks of Newfoundland – Lithostratigraphy.  Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4640; 4 sheets.

McAlpine, K.D., Deptuck, M.E., Wielens, J.B.W., Jauer, C.D., and Moir, P.N. 2004b
Lithostratigraphy II, Jeanne d’Arc/Flemish Pass Basins Cross Section C-C’
In: P.N. Moir, K.D. McAlpine, A. Edwards, M.E. Deptuck, J.S. Bell, J.B.W. Wielens, J.A. Wade, and C.D. Jauer, East Coast Basin Atlas Series: Grand Banks of Newfoundland – Lithostratigraphy.  Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4640; 4 sheets.

McAlpine, K.D., 1990
Mesozoic stratigraphy, sedimentary evolution and petroleum potential of the Jean d’Arc basin, Grand banks of Newfoundland.
Geological Survey of Canada Paper 89-17, 50p.

Mohriak, W.U., 2005
Salt Tectonics in Atlantic-Type Sedimentary Basins: Brazilian and West African Perspectives Applied to the North Atlantic Margin.
25th Annual GCS-SEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Houston, pp.375-413, CD-ROM.

Mosher, D.C., 2011
A margin-wide BSR gas hydrate assessment: Canada’s Atlantic margin.
Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol.28, p.1540-1553.

Mosher D.C. and Campbell D.C., 2011
The Barrington submarine landslide, western Scotian Slope.
In: Shipp, C., Weimer, P, and Posamentier, H. (Eds.), Mass-Transport
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